Crop List: Cosmic Mix, Purple Viking Potatoes, Carrots, Thyme, Bok Choy, Cucumbers, Summer Squash, Leeks, Maybe Sunflowers and/or Tomatoes The garden is still alive and flourishing without a killing frost. The sunflowers have slowed down, just because we plant varieties that bloom before this time of year. Jed mowed the potato vines on Thursday 9/9 so we should have cured spuds by the end of next week. Our fingers are crossed. We are concerned because the greens are not really laying down and dying! They are fighting to keep growing in this mild weather. So in some ways, we are ready for a frost! Speaking of curing, the garlic is almost ready. We have begun sorting and cleaning what was harvested into 2 classes: Seed (the biggest and best) and the "Rest of it". The "rest of it" is what we give out in our CSA and sell at the markets. We save about a third of the crop every year for seed. Garlic should start showing up the end of this week or next. We put the pigs on new pasture yesterday. They are eating our cover crop from a section of garden that is now in the resting phase of our rotation. It was garden for many years and this spring was planted with wheat, winter peas, vetch, rye, oats and barley to rejuvenate the soil and out compete the weeds. We planted a diverse mix of plants so the soil is offed something different from each plant. The pigs will till it in. Next spring it will then be planted to pasture for the cows and chickens to graze for several years. The pasture grass will grow a deep root system to aerate the soil while the cows give it some extra special goodness with their manure. Eventually it will be garden again. If you pick up at the farm, you can see the pig pen directly south of the veggie shed. The pigs will be running around in growth over their heads and creating trails until they have it all munched down. We have Breakfast Sausage!! We have been waiting a loooonnnggg time for the butcher to catch up and we are finally restocked with some sausage. The only flavor we have right now is the Breakfast. It is seasoned with white pepper and sage. It comes in "bulk" (not formed in patties) one pound packages. If you know you want me to reserve you some, send me an email and I will put some in the cooler for you with your name on it. I will send as much as I can fit in the coolers. If you have not tried our sausage before, give it a try and you'll taste for yourself why folks are so excited we are finally restocked. We are now taking cash, check and Venmo at the pick up sites. Lunch this Week: Pad Bai and Tomato, Zucchini Soup with noodles
Recipe Ideas: Potato Leek Soup; Quinoa, Leek, Carrot Patties; Braised Carrot and Fennel The coolers at your site are stocked with Lifeline cheese and a selection of the beef and pork listed below. If you know you want something, please email me and I will make sure it is in the cooler, reserved for you. I don't send every cut every week, they simply won't all fit! Lifeline Beef Available: Tenderloin, Ribeye, New York, Sirloin Steak, Eye of the Round, Brisket, Ground Beef, Patties, Sirloin Tip Roast, Tongue, Marrow Bones, Heart, Stew, and Kabobs Pork Available: Fat and Breakfast Sausage! WASH YOUR VEGGIES!! Bring Bags to pick-ups! If you can't make it to pick up your veggies, send a friend! Missed shares are forfeited for the week. Members get 20% off at the Farmer's Markets! The People's Market: Wednesdays 4-7 (Ends 9/22) The Driggs Market: Fridays 9-1 (Ends 10/1) Jackson Hole Farmer's Market: Saturdays 8-1 (Ends 9/25) Farm to Fork Festival, Saturday 10/2 at The Center for the Arts Questions? Comments? Recipes to share? [email protected]
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