Crop List: Cosmic Mix, Garlic Scapes, Kale, Turnips, Red Oak Leaf Lettuce, Basil maybe Holy Basil or Dill By Share #3 we are starting to slip into a routine. Our co-workers now see the flow of the days of the week in regard to CSA and market harvests. Our distribution sites are going smooth and your veggie weighing skills are progressing rapidly! We spend the mornings getting in the leafy green items that don't enjoy the heat. Then we move onto the heartier items. Most of the afternoons are spent weeding. July days are balanced between weeding and harvesting. The more we get weeded right now, the bigger the harvests will be. The garden (and the weeds!) are growing so fast right now. The plants have so much energy from the long days. I swear the cabbage doubled in size this week. Jed wants me to write about garlic this week. I love garlic!! I love it so much I have written about it and saved every word of it. You can find all my garlic musings if you follow the recipe link. Check out the garlic scape/curl button to learn about the garlic life cycle. It is fascinating! I think so, because I LOVE garlic. Many of the recipe buttons have information about the nutrients in each veggie, storage tricks and basic uses. The tomatoes are starting to be ready! We have had a couple small harvests and the red treats will make their way to the 3rd pick up site this week. As items ripen, we don't always have enough to get them out to the whole CSA at once. The first harvest was about 20#, definitely not enough for the 119.5 shares we put out that day. We would have had to cut tomatoes in half! What we do is keep really accurate records and will make sure everyone gets tomatoes before any site gets them twice. As we all get excited for tomatoes, this seems like a good place for a reminder on weighing items. It is like the Price is Right. You may not go over! If everyone goes over a little bit, there will not be enough for everyone! Honesty is key to the CSA model working. If you want to see the farm in action, please check out our social media (Instagram and Facebook). One of our talented employees has been making great videos of work days. More then just veggies! If you have not had a chance to check out what's in our coolers, please do so! You can also find a list of what is available below. If you know you want something please send me an email, I am more then happy to reserve it for you, or I can send a special order to your pick up. After many requests we have developed a merchandise line. Lots of Organic Cotton and fair trade goods. All printed or embroidered locally. The mugs and water bottles are locally invented and etched, they have a really cool magnet lid. (We have blue ones too, I just haven't gotten photos up yet) I can easily send goods to your pick up site so you don't have to pay shipping. You can email me an order, or purchase online and I will refund the shipping. You can also check things out in person at the People's Market and the Driggs Market. Lunch this Week: Garlic Curl Hummus sandwiches and Quinoa with pesto and veggies!
Recipe Ideas: Grilled Garlic Scapes (perfect for 4th of July BBQ!), Emily's Overnight Kale Salad, Truck Driver needed! We still need a delivery driver. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Or Tuesday or Thursday! 2 days a week or just one! 3-9 ish. If you know anyone, please send them our way! Details here: The coolers at your site are stocked with Lifeline cheese and a selection of the beef and pork listed below. If you know you want something, please email me and I will make sure it is in the cooler, reserved for you. I don't send every cut every week, they simply won't all fit! Beef Available: Tenderloin, Ribeye, New York, Sirloin Steak, Eye of the Round, Brisket, Ground Beef, Patties, Tri-Tip Roast, Sirloin Tip Roast, Tongue, Marrow Bones, Heart, Stew, and Kabobs Pork Available: Fat WASH YOUR VEGGIES!! Bring Bags to pick-ups! If you can't make it to pick up your veggies, send a friend! Missed shares are forfeited for the week. Members get 20% off at the Farmer's Markets! The People's Market: Wednesdays 4-7 The Driggs Market: Fridays 9-1 Jackson Hole Farmer's Market: Saturdays 8-1 (starts July, 10th) Questions? Comments? Recipes to share? [email protected]
Crop List: Cosmic Mix, Radish, Bok Choy, Lovage, Green Onion, Collards, Broccoli Raab and Red Oak Head Lettuce Something kind of big is happening for us this summer. The farm is turning 25!! 25 feels like a milestone that deserves pause and recognition. We have been at this for a while. Enough to know the reality of having a career. Long enough to know that when it is hard, there is still nothing we would rather be doing. I play that game sometimes...if I could have any job what would it be? It always comes back to being a farmer, and it always comes back to being a farmer at Cosmic Apple Gardens. When we look back over 25 years there are some things that stand out. (Disclaimer, I have been at the farm for 19 years, Jed started the farm 25 years ago...but that is another story!) The hard times...losing 800#'s of washed carrots when a freak wind storm blew over our cooler full of carrots and they landed on the broken glass. The pigs getting out and digging up the basil in the greenhouse. Finding our beloved cow, Clover, we had been caring for died during the night. Managing poor employees. Summers with low water. Nursing my 2 month old baby in a snow storm on June 21st during a year when it just would not warm up. Broken only breaks when you need to use it! Finally getting our 5th greenhouse built and planted, only to have it freeze solid on June 12th after the propane company forgot to fill the tank. The neighbor's dog killing 53 chickens. And so many good times...tasting the first strawberry each year. Moving to the new 30 acre farm in 2002. (The "new farm" was purchased by an amazing community member with the intention of providing a place for Cosmic Apple to grow organic veggies for the community.) Witnessing many births. Sunsets. The summer Jed and I fell in love. Bringing home a truck load of meat from the butcher for the first time. Taking our first human baby to the farm to meet the critters on a beautiful winter day. Securing a loan thru the USDA to purchase 20 more acres. Milking a cow that was born and raised on the farm. So many amazing employees we now call friends. Getting a delivery truck with seatbelts! The countless moments frozen in my mind of our children at the farm. When I close my eyes to reflect, so many faces flash on my internal slide show. So many smiles with yellow crates and scales in the foreground. One of my favorite things has been watching your children grow up at the veggie pick ups. Jed started the farm in 1996 with money from his dishwashing job at the Teton Teepee. After a year or two he got a loan from his dad for $3000 to purchase a greenhouse. Luckily, he was stubborn enough to ignore the many naysayers telling him it would be impossible to grow vegetables in the Tetons. He ignored the countless restaurants and stores telling him Organic was not worth it and didn't make a difference. After 25 years, I think we get to say "I told you so". HA! That felt good. We leaned on the people who believed in us and the the very old timers who remembered gardening in the Tetons without chemicals, and eating without big grocery stores. It is hard to express our unending gratitude to those who believed in us. We love you. There are so many people who showed up when we needed an extra hand, these folks are forever in my heart and are part of the reason the farm succeeded. Cheers to all the helpers and the believers! Cheers to all the CSA members and market customers! Cheers to the kids who have grown up knowing real veggies! Cheers to every person we've ever grown for! Cheers to 25 years of feeding The People of the Tetons the best food we can grow! Lunch this Week: Grilled cheese with lovage pesto and wilted greens
Truck Driver needed! We still need a delivery driver. Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-9 ish. If you know anyone, please send them our way! Details here: The coolers at your site are stocked with Lifeline cheese and a selection of the beef and pork listed below. If you know you want something, please email me and I will make sure it is in the cooler, reserved for you. I don't send every cut every week, they simply won't all fit! Beef Available: Tenderloin, Ribeye, New York, Sirloin Steak, Eye of the Round Steak, Sirloin Tip Roast, Brisket, Skirt, Ground Beef, Patties, Tongue, Marrow Bones, Heart, Stew, and Kabobs Pork Available: Fat Crop List: Cosmic Mix, Spicy Mix, Pea shoots, Marjoram, Arugula and Baby Kale Welcome to Cosmic Apple Garden's 2021 CSA program, we are honored to grow for you. Wake up those taste buds! Here come fresh green things again! It has been a bit since we have had an abundance of fresh veggies grown in the Tetons, and I am excited. Things are shaping up well on the farm for the season. We always start off with lots of light leafy green things the first few weeks and this year is no exception. Even though the weather has been interesting this spring, the veggies are on target for a completely average start date. We have had many warm days and it seems like the veggies should be early this year but the warm days have been evenly balanced with lots of cool ones too. Any which way the weather goes, we are so happy to be putting out the first share and we hope you are too! I will send out a newsletter each week with farm happenings, updates, dreamy thoughts and things you need to know. At the bottom of each newsletter you will find a link to our recipe bank. The recipes are sorted by item. All of the salad dressings are together. Please check the recipe bank out if you are not sure what to do with something. I cook lunch for the crew during the week, I will let you know what we are eating on the farm and maybe it will inspire you! Also, please send me your favorite recipes. I love sharing them. If you want to see more of the farm, check out our social media. (Facebook and Instagram) We are so incredibly lucky to work with a creative employee who loves making short videos, and the other employees have turned into noteworthy actors! The videographer/field crew member is kind enough to share the videos with us, so we can share them with you! I love the video that shows how the potatoes are planted. The farm and the hills right now are so green and gorgeous. The veggies are the same spring green right now too. We have been so busy at the farm planting and tending to the little plants. Our dreams for the year are almost all in the ground now. We have big plans for the veggies that leave the farm, here are some of them: We hope the produce from the farm helps you feel more connected to this amazing place we all call home. We hope this season nourishes you and yours. We hope the veggies give you the energy to make the world a better place. Thank you for choosing to join us for this season. Lunch this Week: Baby Garlic, Pea shoots and Bok Choy sautéed in EVOO, over rice with peanut sauce on top!
Truck Driver needed! We still need a delivery driver. Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-9 ish. If you know anyone, please send them our way! Details here: The coolers at your site are stocked with Lifeline cheese and a selection of the beef and pork listed below. If you know you want something, please email me and I will make sure it is in the cooler, reserved for you. I don't send every cut every week, they simply won't all fit! Beef Available: Tenderloin, Ribeye, New York, Sirloin Steak, Eye of the Round Steak, Round Roast, Sirloin Tip Roast, Brisket, Skirt, Ground Beef, Patties, Tongue, Marrow Bones, Heart, Stew, and Kabobs Pork Available: Fat |