Get your hands in the soil. See where your food grows. Feed your community. Satisfy your soul. Nourish your body...and find out hundreds of other reasons to help on the farm, volunteer with us!
What you do:
1. Commit to working a 5 hour shift 1 day/ week for one month.
2. Show up to volunteer when you agreed to.
3. Put in your best effort to help and have fun while doing so.
4. Leave with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
What we do:
1. Give you a half a share of the veggies for the day.
2. Provide a coffee or tea break during the morning.
3. Feed you a fresh, seasonal organic lunch straight from the farm.
4. Answer your questions about the farm and food systems in general.
5. Feel grateful to meet more members of our community and appreciate your help!
If you want to be notified when our sign up for 2024 is available, please email [email protected]. I will let you know when we are ready!
A note for volunteers in JUNE!! We start giving out veggie shares as soon as we can, but most years that is not the first week of June. It's weather dependent. We will guarantee you a yummy farm lunch for helping us out. Volunteers get a half share for everyday they work. If you don't get a half share the first few times you work (early June when the veggies are not ready yet), we will give you a full share to make up for it later in the month of June.
The fine print...
A Word on Weather: rain, snow, and of course, shine…
There will be days when the weather is undesirable for working outside. The farm continues to run on these days, plants still grow, the community expects their harvest, and we, the workers, still work, because of our commitment to our community. These are always the days we end up laughing about. If you volunteered and the weather is less then dreamy, we are still counting on you to be there!
Volunteers must be physically fit to hold a position at the farm!
Even the physically fit can be sore after a day of bending or squatting at the farm. Most new volunteers who sign up don’t realize how grueling the work can be. We work really hard, physically and mentally in all kinds of conditions. We expect the same from you. If you are looking for a casual and laidback day in the garden please come visit during non-working hours.
What to bring...what not to bring...
Please wear clothing that you do not mind getting dirty. If you have work gloves it is a good idea to bring them. Most importantly make sure you have enough warm clothes. Sometimes the wind blows stronger at the farm then in surrounding areas. Rain gear is good to have on hand, and on wet days it can be nice to have a dry change of clothes. The garden can also be very muddy all year because of our irrigation, wear good mud shoes.
Other things to bring are a water bottle, sunscreen, sun hat and a snack for coffee/tea break. Eat some breakfast before you come to the farm!
No dogs are permitted at the farm for a few reasons. You never know if they like chicken till they try one. One doggy romp down a bed of veggies can ruin our crop. It also tends to get too hot to leave your dog in the car. Finally most dogs bark when the cows walk by, which is unfair stress for our animals.
We ask you to leave your cell phone in your car or at home. You can check messages at coffee break, half way through the shift. We ask for five hours of your full attention.
Kids...we love them, we have 3. Having 3 kids we know how hard it can be to work when they are with us! We ask for 5 hours of your undivided attention and as parents...we know if our kids are unhappy, cold, bored or anything else they come first...which means work comes second. Please plan on bringing your kids by and showing them the farm when you are not volunteering!
We ask that you commit to one shift (7am-12:15pm) on either a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or a Thursday for a whole month. For example, you could work all the Tuesdays in June...or all the Thursdays in August. We will be taking volunteers as needed all summer. If you love it and absolutely want to volunteer more then one month. We are great with that...but we'd like you to try it before committing to more then one month.
Some nitty gritty...
We like to have fun while we are working, and we enjoy the work we do. It is important to us, and the people you work with, that you are on time and ready to work for your shift. A good work ethic, being ready for all kinds of weather and taking responsibility for the work you do will leave you with a positive experience.
We are thrilled that you are interested in joining us in the garden this year! You will learn about growing a garden in a high altitude setting. You will learn about your community and you will learn about yourself!
Please feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns you may have about the volunteer experience. We are always happy to chat about it or respond to emails.
If you think being a volunteer is for you, please follow the link below to sign up!
Let us know if the dates you want are full. We can add you to our wait list.