Food Bank Donation Farm Share Pick-up
Pitch in any amount to make more nutritious food available for our neighbors! All donations will go to purchasing shares for the Teton Valley Food Pantry. You can also purchase a half or a full share and make a note that it is for the Pantry.
A note from the Pantry about your impact: "Our biggest days for distribution happen on the night following our Cosmic Apple Gardens pick up. Many of our neighbors that come to the pantry are trying to eat well. Some have very specific dietary needs. Knowing that the Pantry has fresh vegetables from farmers, elevates the experience for them. It's so important to help the ones that need it the most. I wish you could see their smiles and gratitude on their faces. It would warm your soul! There is nothing better than deliberately nourishing our bodies with high nutrient dense foods. Thank you Cosmic Apple and all the other farmers that grow delicious food for our neighbors at the Pantry! We are helping to make a healthy community in Teton Valley"
If you would donate directly to the Food Pantry for Cosmic Apple Farm shares, you can do that too! Please call (208) 354-1658 or email [email protected] to arrange your donation!